4-H Projects: Is Completion Important?
There are, by policy, no standards or requirements for 4-H membership that compels an individual to complete a project. This baseline study gained information on project completion of two project areas in 1996-1997 in West Virginia: 4-H animal science and food preparation. Data were collected and analyzed from reviews of 7,569 project enrollment forms from 45 projects. The overall completion rate was 67.3%. Results of this study provide direction for defining project completion and its importance in providing a viable educational program for 4-H youth. Further inquiry into factors affecting completion of 4-H projects needs to be made. Completion rate could also be one measure for evaluating project curricular content and project support by leaders and/or parents.
Recommended Citation
Woloshuk, J. M., Brown, G., & Wagaman, G. D. (1999). 4-H Projects: Is Completion Important?. The Journal of Extension, 37(5), Article 12. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol37/iss5/12