Reaching Migrant Farmworker Youth Through 4-H Career amd Workforce Programs
As the population in the U.S. changes, The Extension 4-H program is challenged to reach out to new and culturally diverse youth audiences. Addressing this challenge, South Texas Extension 4-H faculty developed partnerships with educational agencies, community organizations and private industry to reach out to migrant farm worker youth. Through a day-long conference focused on careers in the food and fiber system and higher education, migrant youth learned about employment opportunities in agriculture and related technical and college education options. This model program (a) provides an alternate avenue of participation in 4-H, in addition to traditional clubs, to new audiences, and (b) develops career awareness and workforce preparedness among youth.
Recommended Citation
Wille, C. G. (1999). Reaching Migrant Farmworker Youth Through 4-H Career amd Workforce Programs. The Journal of Extension, 37(5), Article 17.