Extension Organization of the Future: Linking Emotional Intelligence and Core Competencies
Recruiting, hiring, and keeping desirable employees have been fundamental goals in institutions since before the Industrial Revolution. Traditionally, developing an exceptional workforce has been a hit-or-miss process. Recently, however, national and international organizations like Amoco, Dupont, Federal Express, and the Texas Agricultural Extension Service building a workforce for the 21st century. have developed competency models to lure and keep good workers. Part of competency models is the idea that high emotional intelligence is valuable. Emotional Intelligence and competencies are a natural fit, and they will, no doubt, become increasingly popular as organizations recognize their importance in building a workforce for the 21st century.
Recommended Citation
Ayers, D., & Stone, B. (1999). Extension Organization of the Future: Linking Emotional Intelligence and Core Competencies. The Journal of Extension, 37(6), Article 17. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol37/iss6/17