A Family Check-Up: A Web-based, Self-Assessment Program In Family Life, Financial Management, Nutrition, and Food Safety
The Family Check-Up is a public internet site where families can access several self-scoring assessment programs in the areas of family life, financial management, nutrition and food safety. The self-assessment program provides immediate feedback to the consumer and provides a variety of on-line educational materials and Extension contacts for them to access. The web-based program has several programming application including needs assessment, marketing, and outcome research as participant data are store for later analysis by specialists. The Family Check-Up offers increased opportunities for collaboration and referrals among family and consumer science disciplines.
Recommended Citation
Peterson, R., Kratzer, C., Leech, I., & Stadler, K. (1999). A Family Check-Up: A Web-based, Self-Assessment Program In Family Life, Financial Management, Nutrition, and Food Safety. The Journal of Extension, 37(6), Article 19. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol37/iss6/19