Extension's Portfolio for the 21st Century: A Place for One-on-One Consultations
Revisits the individual consultations that provided the base from which the Cooperative Extension Service grew. Using data gathered from clients' and Extension staff evaluations of one-on-one activities, our findings show these consultations have an economic and educational value for clients. The consultations benefit field specialists as well, augmenting their need assessments by providing information from in the field, providing opportunities for on-going research, and building credibility. It is maintained that continuing (or re-implementing) these consultations as part of Extension's portfolio for the 21st Century has mutual benefit, both to the client and to Extension.
Recommended Citation
Petrzelka, P., Padgitt, S., & Wintersteen, W. (1999). Extension's Portfolio for the 21st Century: A Place for One-on-One Consultations. The Journal of Extension, 37(6), Article 2. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol37/iss6/2