History of Extension Work in Virginia Prior to Smith-Lever
Numerous activities occurred in Virginia Extension associated with Congressional district agriculture schools prior to the passage of the Smith-Lever Act in 1914. Historical research methodology was utilized to find information. The article documents how the 11 schools had courses of study taught on the subjects of agriculture and home economics, and also performed a great deal of Extension work. Typically, the agriculture teacher would conduct demonstration work during the summer. Faculty members at the schools also worked with youth activities and home economics programs. The funding sources helped set precedents with a combination of state funding through the Land-grant university and local support.
Recommended Citation
Sutphin, C. M., & Hillison, J. (1999). History of Extension Work in Virginia Prior to Smith-Lever. The Journal of Extension, 37(6), Article 3. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol37/iss6/3