Taking R&E to the Next Level
During the late 1980s, the business retention and expansion (R&E) program emerged as one of the most successful programs in Ohio State University Extension's Community Development area. As the economic recovery of the early 1990s turned into an economic expansion, business and civic leaders began to shift focus from general R&E efforts to issues related to labor force preparedness. A survey of businesses in Portage County undertaken four years after completion of an R&E program reveals that, while employers believe that local resources are available to help improve basic math and communication skills of employees, those skill levels are still significantly below expectations. The new challenge to Extension will be to facilitate the operation of community partnerships designed to enhance labor force development.
Recommended Citation
Blaine, T. W., Hudkins, S., & Taylor, C. R. (1999). Taking R&E to the Next Level. The Journal of Extension, 37(6), Article 5. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol37/iss6/5