Effectiveness of Extension Cotton Advisory Committees
Well-organized and managed advisory committees are a key to quality Extension programs. Extension agents and members working with cotton advisory committees were interviewed in focus groups to find out if committees were effectively involved in programming and committee processes. Both groups agreed that committees were highly involved in giving advice to agents, legitimizing decisions, and implementing programs. Committees were less involved or not at all involved in communicating with others, or planning and evaluating programs. It was concluded that cotton advisory committees could be more effective if agents improved their management of some aspects of committee work, and if members were better oriented, and committed to and involved in planning, evaluation, and communication.
Recommended Citation
Barnett, J., Johnson, E., & Verma, S. (1999). Effectiveness of Extension Cotton Advisory Committees. The Journal of Extension, 37(6), Article 8. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol37/iss6/8