Ninety-five out of 400 growers (23.8%) of ornamental crops in Hawaii responded to a survey about pest problems and pesticide use. Sixty-eight percent of respondents listed either cut orchids or anthuriums as their main crop. Pests considered serious on these crops included thrips, mites and slugs/snails. Pesticide use (excluding fungicides) was heavy on cut orchids and anthuriums, averaged 35.8 and 27.7 pesticide applications per grower per year, respectively. Growers who scouted for pests made far fewer pesticide applications than those who did not. Growers obtained most of their pest control information from government sources, chiefly the Cooperative Extension Service.
Recommended Citation
Holingsworth, R. G., Hara, A. H., & Sewake, K. T. (2000). Pesticide Use and Grower Perceptions of Pest Problems on Ornamental Crops in Hawaii. The Journal of Extension, 38(1), Article 7. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol38/iss1/7