Volume 38, Number 2 (2000)
Editor's Page
Editor's Page
Laura Hoelscher
Feature Articles
Simple, Low-Cost Data Collection Methods for Agricultural Field Studies
Richard T. Koenig, Marlon Winger, and Boyd Kitchen
Beyond Perception: A Pretest and Posttest Evaluation of a Regional Internet Extension Inservice Training
Robert M. Lippert, Owen Plank, and Rama Radhakrishna
A Partnership for Health and Safety of Farm and Ranch Families
Linda S. Boeckner, Gloria Gross, Sue Chaulk, and Patricia Ramsey
Process and Reality: Working with a Local Watershed Organization to Develop a Restoration Effectiveness Monitoring Program
Richard R. Harris, Michael De Lasaux, and Susan Kocher
Research in Brief
Beneficial Science Teacher Training
Joseph Konen and Robert L. Horton
Management Skills of County Extension Administrators: Are They Sufficient to Do the Job?
Bill R. Haynes
Oregon Extension Volunteers: Partners in Action
Marjorie J. Braker, Janice R. Leno, Clara C. Pratt, and Deana Grobe
An Evaluation of an Interdisciplinary Team Approach to Delivery of Childcare Provider Training
Rick Peterson and Janet Prillaman
Ideas at Work
Maintaining the Relevance of an Extension Data Center
Jose Reynaldo A. Santos and Diann M. Mitchell
The Multi-Cultural Center of Sioux Falls, South Dakota: Providing Opportunities for All People to Learn, Celebrate, and Share Through Cultural Experiences
Dedra R. Tennis, John Burton, and Barbara Forinash
Tools of the Trade
Using the Internet as a Farm-Marketing Tool
William J. Bamka
Computer-Based Instruction: Getting Started in Freshwater Aquaculture
D LaDon Swann, Sharon Katz, Russ Merzdorf, and Jane Brown