Computer-based instruction (CBI) has generated considerable interest among administrators, content specialists, and educators as a supplement or replacement to traditional methods of inservice training. In 1998 an aquaculture CBI project was developed as a training tutorial. The tutorial was developed using Macromedia Director and consists of CBI delivered on CD-ROM and a 208-page workbook. The CD-ROM consists of six sections containing 513 photographs, 160 illustrations, 52 animations, 22 digital video clips, and 215 audio files. The CBI was provided to every educator in Illinois and Indiana working within agriculture. Educators were receptive to the CBI and have used them to for inservice training.
Recommended Citation
Swann, D., Katz, S., Merzdorf, R., & Brown, J. (2000). Computer-Based Instruction: Getting Started in Freshwater Aquaculture. The Journal of Extension, 38(2), Article 13. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol38/iss2/13