The survey assessed 969 Oregon Extension volunteers about their perception of benefits and costs of Extension volunteer work. Volunteers from all program areas and regions of the state were included. Volunteers reported personal benefits, including gains in knowledge, self-confidence, and interpersonal relationships. Community benefits were noted by more than one third of volunteers. Fewer volunteers noted economic benefits, but for those who did, these benefits were significant and included increased job skills and useful contacts. The costs of volunteering were perceived as low and centered on time demands. Implications of these findings for Extension programming and faculty roles are discussed.
Recommended Citation
Braker, M. J., Leno, J. R., Pratt, C. C., & Grobe, D. (2000). Oregon Extension Volunteers: Partners in Action. The Journal of Extension, 38(2), Article 8. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol38/iss2/8