This study examined the relationship between tenure and non-tenure track status of Extension faculty and job satisfaction. Data were collected through questionnaires mailed to West Virginia University Extension faculty (85% responding). Analysis revealed non-tenure track faculty reporting significantly more intrinsic job satisfaction than tenure track faculty. Significant relationships also exist between age and intrinsic job satisfaction and years at the institution and intrinsic and overall satisfaction. Respondents ages 23-33 and 46-50 are more satisfied than those 34-45 and more than 51 years old. Those with 21+ years at the institution are more satisfied than faculty with 1-5 and 6-9 years.
Recommended Citation
Nestor, P. I., & Leary, P. (2000). The Relationship Between Tenure and Non-Tenure Track Status of Extension Faculty and Job Satisfaction. The Journal of Extension, 38(4), Article 5. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol38/iss4/5