The on-line Volunteer Management Certificate Program (VMCP) is a non-credit course delivered through the Internet <> designed to: 1) offer a quality, professional development training course on volunteer management, delivered to individuals working in the field anytime, anywhere, particularly to those in rural communities with minimum access to training opportunities. 2) develop quality distance delivery of educational programs through the technology of the Internet. 3) promote and enhance the profession of volunteer management as a field of expertise. 4) bring recognition to Cooperative Extension as a leader in the emerging field of volunteer management.
Recommended Citation
Shefrey, L. E., Hiller, J., Macduff, N., & Mack, N. (2000). Washington State University On-line Volunteer Management Certification Program. The Journal of Extension, 38(4), Article 6. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol38/iss4/6