Federal legislation passed in 1996 mandated that each state establish welfare-to-work programs and required that recipients work or lose benefits after 2 years and a life-time limit of 5 years. This article discusses the perceptions of selected employers who were interviewed regarding factors contributing to their participation in welfare reform and affecting welfare recipients' entry into the workforce. Conclusions from the interview data related to willingness of employers to hire welfare recipients and to the importance of providing support for new employees, fostering cooperation among employers and agencies to provide education and training, examining welfare policies, and providing affordable child care. Implications for Cooperative Extension professionals are described.
Recommended Citation
Wilson, B. B., & Stewart, D. L. (2000). Employers' Perceptions of Welfare Reform: Implications for Cooperative Extension Personnel. The Journal of Extension, 38(5), Article 4. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol38/iss5/4