Diffusion-Adoption of Personal Computers and the Internet in Farm Business Decisions: Southeastern Beef and Peanut Farmers
A survey was conducted during 1998 among two targeted segments of southeastern agriculture producers to evaluate questions about the effect of PC and Internet technology on farm operators' business activities and agriculture decision making. Beef cattle producers in Alabama (320) and peanut producers (327) in Alabama, Georgia, and Florida were sampled. 647 questionnaires were mailed. The questionnaire was completed and returned by 241 farmers. The Diffusion-Adoption Model was employed to characterize farmers by stage in the technology adoption process. Farmers who use the Internet were examined for their frequency and nature of Internet use when making farm business decisions.
Recommended Citation
Hall, L., Dunkleberger, J., Ferreira, W., & Prevatt, J. (2003). Diffusion-Adoption of Personal Computers and the Internet in Farm Business Decisions: Southeastern Beef and Peanut Farmers. The Journal of Extension, 39(3), Article 8. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol39/iss3/8