This article profiles Indiana's nearly 600 4-H horse and pony leaders, describes their motives for becoming a leader, and documents the understanding these leaders have of running a 4-H club, teaching various aspects of the horse and pony project, and training hippology, horse bowl, and horse judging teams. The majority (>70%) of Indiana's 4-H horse and pony leaders are white, married women between the ages of 31 and 50. Eighty-eight percent volunteer as leaders because they enjoy working with youth. Over half (54%) of the leaders would like to receive additional training on how to conduct showmanship and horsemanship clinics.
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Recommended Citation
Rusk, C. P., Kerr, C. A., Talbert, B., & Russell, M. A. (2001). Profiling Indiana's 4-H Horse and Pony Leaders. The Journal of Extension, 39(4), Article 12. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol39/iss4/12