The West Side On-Farm Demonstration Project was an innovative, participatory research and Extension program conducted from 1995 through 1998 in California's Central Valley. Objectives of this project were to monitor and evaluate farm demonstrations of practices for maintaining soil quality, investigate biologically integrated pest management, and facilitate information exchange. Participant surveys conducted at the end of the project revealed that 100% of the respondents deemed the project successful. Changes in soil and pest management practices during the course of the project were documented and provide an exhaustive baseline for future comparisons.
Recommended Citation
Mitchell, J. P., Goodell, P. B., Krebill-Prather, R., & Prather, T. S. (2001). Innovative Agricultural Extension Partnerships in California's Central San Joaquin Valley. The Journal of Extension, 39(6), Article 15. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol39/iss6/15