The purpose of the study reported here was to determine if the act of teaching character education programs such as Character Counts! affected the internalization of taught ethical values. Fifty-three Cooperative Extension personnel completed a Web-based survey analyzing Character Counts! impact on Cooperative Extension, the personal life of Extension educators and assistants, and society. Results demonstrated that Extension educators and assistants were more likely to make ethical decisions in the areas of Cooperative Extension, personal life, and society as a result of teaching Character Counts!. Collected data also suggested the need for increased implementation of Character Counts! principles in Extension programming and broader networking among character education supporters.
Recommended Citation
Harms, K., & Fritz, S. (2001). Internalization of Character Traits by Those Who Teach Character Counts!. The Journal of Extension, 39(6), Article 7. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol39/iss6/7