A pilot qualitative research study in Weld County, Colorado, was designed to obtain the perspectives of farmers and their families on the occupational health and safety risks they face and to gain their insights into extant and potential preventative measures. A structured interview schedule and an iterative process of qualitative data analysis identified four themes: 1) risks, 2) obstacles, 3) motivators, and 4) supports. Considerations relevant to Extension educators for the development of prevention programs were extracted from the data and presented according to what should be emphasized, what should be included, what should be avoided, and what should be acknowledged in the design and delivery of Extension educational efforts with this population.
Recommended Citation
Seiz, R. C., & Downey, E. P. (2001). What Farm Families Tell Us That Can Be Useful in Educating for Health and Safety. The Journal of Extension, 39(6), Article 8. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol39/iss6/8