Volume 40, Number 4 (2002)
Editor's Page
Editor's Page
Laura Hoelscher
What Is Old Is New Again: Cooperative Extension's Role in Democracy Building Through Civic Engagement
Kathleen Dodge Kelsey
Birth to Three: Extension's Role in the Early Years
Harriet Shaklee
Feature Articles
Citizens Developing a Voice at the Table: A Story of Educational Organizing in Contemporary Extension Work
Scott J. Peters
Health Professions and Cooperative Extension: An Emerging Partnership
Erin P. Condo and Kenneth E. Martin
The Integration of Research and Extension: A Preliminary Study
Rebecca Gould and George Ham
Needs Assessment Surveys: Do They Predict Attendance at Continuing Education Workshops?
Robert W. Malmsheimer and Rene H. Germain
Managing for Sustainable Agriculture
John D. Harrison
More Than Cows & Cooking: Newest Research Shows the Impact of 4-H
Kirk A. Astroth and George W. Haynes
Ohio 4-H Youth Development Extension Agents' Use of Volunteer Screening Tools
Niki Nestor McNeely, Ryan J. Schmiesing, Jeff King, and Sara Kleon
Farm Production Analysis Training for Small Farmers
Gregory D. Hanson, Robert L. Parsons, William J. Chess, and Kenneth L. Balliet
Research in Brief
Working with Rural Employers: An Interagency Partnership
Sally R. Bowman, Margaret Manoogian, and Debra Minar Driscoll