The Mill City/Gates Youth Development Project operated as a youth-at-risk program in a timber-dependent community during the timber crisis of the early 1990's. Evaluations indicate the youth activities were effective. Community support structures created by the project continue to operate 5 years after the end of funding, indicating a successful institutionalization of this component of the project. Although projects like this can have tremendous impacts with short-term youth programs, they are not sustainable when the community lacks the resources for their continuation. This project demonstrates investments in community capacity building have long-term impacts and are crucial for communities to support youth and families.
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Recommended Citation
Stephenson, G., Morford, S., & Berry, H. (2002). Short-Term Interventions for Long-Term Needs: The Challenge of Bridging Youth and Community Development. The Journal of Extension, 40(5), Article 5. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol40/iss5/5