In 1982, only 5% of Missouri cotton farmers surveyed fields for pests and used this information when selecting pest management strategies, i.e., survey based pest management (SBPM). University of Missouri faculty initiated a program that year to instruct farmers about the benefits of SBPM. They provided instruction from 1982 to 1999. During 1999, 3% of Missouri cotton farmers were surveyed by phone for their use of SBPM. That year, farmers used SBPM to protect 82% of Missouri cotton acres. In addition to better yields, the use of SBPM ensured more efficient use of all pest management strategies.
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Recommended Citation
Wrather, J., Boyd, M. L., Kendig, J., & Nabors, R. A. (2002). Extension Programs Increased Missouri Cotton Farmer Use of Survey-Based Pest Management. The Journal of Extension, 40(6), Article 17. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol40/iss6/17