A "Step-Up" Incremental Training Model for teen curriculum facilitators implementing inquiry-based science activities was designed and evaluated. This model involves a sequence of three training workshops that alternate with curriculum implementations. The model was evaluated using data from focus group interviews, surveys, and direct observations. Key elements in the model's design include: workshop organization; introductory session; multiple increments; effective modeling and practice; "safe" environment for reflection and review. The teens trained during the development of this model were effective in implementing curriculum activities with young children. The authors believe that this method would be transferable to other teen-led Extension programs.
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Recommended Citation
Smith, M. H., & Enfield, R. P. (2002). Training 4-H Teen Facilitators in Inquiry-Based Science Methods: The Evaluation of a "Step-Up" Incremental Training Model. The Journal of Extension, 40(6), Article 4. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol40/iss6/4