Formulas developed to determine the monetary value of landscape trees require a species rating value. Polling Extension professionals, researchers, and arborists is a common procedure to derive species rating value. Due to differences in professional training and background, and the variability of landscapes in any given area, professional agreement on the rating of a species is difficult to reach but is necessary to be useful. The Delphi method and W criterion were used to determine the strength of concordance among extension professionals. We hope that other Extension professionals can use this method in developing species rating in their respective areas.
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Recommended Citation
Lorenzo, A. B., Blanche, C. A., & Henson, J. F. (2003). Concordance Among Extension Workers, Researchers, and Professional Arborists in Rating Landscape Trees. The Journal of Extension, 41(5), Article 9. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol41/iss5/9