Adding value to agriculture products to create jobs is one means to achieve rural development. Tennessee soybean growers' views on both biodiesel and the formation of a biodiesel cooperative are evaluated. Results from a mail survey suggest considerable interest from farmers in selling their soybeans to a biodiesel production plant. Some producers are willing to provide funding and purchase shares in a cooperative. This study provides Tennessee Extension agents a means to evaluate farmers' perceptions of the development of a "new generation" cooperative and to help provide advice on cooperatives and how this might affect the farmer's bottom line.
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Recommended Citation
English, B. C., Jensen, K., & Menard, J. (2005). Will Tennessee Soybean Producers Support a Biodiesel Cooperative?. The Journal of Extension, 43(1), Article 12. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol43/iss1/12