The Nebraska 4-H Assuring Quality program was developed to help youth producers understand responsibilities of raising livestock for food, increase technical knowledge of quality assurance practices, and implement those practices. Participants' knowledge, attitudes, and practices were determined by surveying parents using a post-then-pre method. Mean retrospective pre-scores showed that youths significantly increased their knowledge, positively changed their attitudes, and implemented better quality assurance management practices in each of the five subject areas taught: (a) quality assurance concepts, (b) feeding and watering, (c) animal identification, (d) housing and facilities and (e) prevention of problems.
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Recommended Citation
Fassett, J. L., Nold, R. A., & Rockwell, S. (2005). Assuring Youth Raising Livestock for Food Produce a Quality Product. The Journal of Extension, 43(1), Article 17. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol43/iss1/17