Extension professionals have a wealth of research-based information and expertise in nutrition, activities of daily living, and resource management. This knowledge is the basis for a new Extension program to train in-home caregivers. The purpose of the study described here was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Caregiver Training Program, designed and delivered by Cooperative Extension academic advisors to enhance the skills and knowledge of the in-home supportive service caregivers. Participants report positive changes in knowledge, skills, attitudes, interest, and self-confidence. Extension is uniquely qualified and positioned to provide training for caregivers to aging adults.
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Recommended Citation
Barrett, G. J., Swanson, P. W., & Song, A. V. (2005). Evaluation of Training Program for Caregivers to Aging Adults. The Journal of Extension, 43(3), Article 14. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol43/iss3/14