A survey of Georgia irrigators focused on the determinants of farmers' crop choice and crop acreage allocation decisions was conducted. The survey also addressed farmer interest in open-access information and decision support programs delivered by the University of Georgia via the Internet. Results indicate crop choice and acreage decisions are heavily influenced by rotational considerations, but such considerations are not viewed as strict constraints. Crop futures prices and expected input costs are also important factors. Farmers expressed considerable interest in accessing information relevant to their crop choice and acreage allocation decision on the Internet at a university-run Web site.
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Recommended Citation
Mullen, J. D., Escalante, C., Hoogenboom, G., & Yu, Y. (2005). Determinants of Irrigation Farmers' Crop Choice and Acreage Allocation Decisions: Opportunities for Extension Service Delivery. The Journal of Extension, 43(5), Article 12. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol43/iss5/12