Farmer Willingness to Enter into Manure Exchange Agreements: Differences Based on Age and Farm Size
Reducing nonpoint phosphorus pollution from all sources, including agriculture, is important in Michigan. Extension educators can help farmers reduce phosphorus loading into surface waters. One way to help farmers do this is to encourage manure transfer, or exchange, from livestock farms to the fields of neighboring crop farms. This study looked at farmers' willingness to exchange manure from one farm to another based on the farmers' age and farm size. Results reveal differences between farmers' perceptions of manure use by age of the farmer and by acreage. Differences in agronomic considerations were particularly important.
Recommended Citation
Battel, R. D. (2006). Farmer Willingness to Enter into Manure Exchange Agreements: Differences Based on Age and Farm Size. The Journal of Extension, 44(3), Article 14.