The National Animal Identification System (NAIS) will soon require compliance from all cattle producers. Using data gathered in Ohio and Kentucky, we analyzed awareness of and intended compliance with the NAIS by a producer segment posing significant disease risk--beef cattle exhibitors. Participants with larger show strings and extensive show-related travel are more aware of the NAIS. Heightened respondent awareness and use of computerized records are positively correlated with intended compliance. Respondents who attend multiple shows and expect additional record keeping under the NAIS report lower intended compliance. The potential role of youth organizations in promoting NAIS compliance is discussed.
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Recommended Citation
Patent, K., Roe, B., & Fluharty, F. (2006). Awareness and Intended Compliance of Beef Cattle Exhibitors in the National Animal Identification System. The Journal of Extension, 44(5), Article 16. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol44/iss5/16