Sixty-one percent of 392 consumer-survey participants were aware that containerized table-top Christmas trees were available for purchase. Eighty-seven percent of participants responded that they were likely to actually plant a containerized table-top Christmas tree in their yard after the holidays. In response to post-planting care, 24% felt that they wouldn't be able to properly care for the tree and that it wouldn't survive. Extension personnel need to work with growers to ensure that only cold hardy trees are sold for this purpose and that educational materials are offered that will provide consumers with proper planting guideline and care instructions.
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Recommended Citation
Kelley, K. M., & Bates, R. M. (2007). Containerized Table-Top Christmas Trees: Interest Among Pennsylvania Consumers and Attitudes Concerning Care and Handling. The Journal of Extension, 45(1), Article 16. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol45/iss1/16