single fungicide was applied through four nozzle-types and four water-carrier volumes targeting a common foliar disease in turfgrass. Most golf course superintendents surveyed use the same nozzle-type for all pesticide applications, but this field study indicated better disease control from the fungicide applied through certain nozzle-types and water-carrier volumes. As a result, most superintendents intended to make improvements to their pesticide application programs, and many had a highly favorable view of including this type of research at future field day events.
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Recommended Citation
Fidanza, M. A., Clarke, B. B., Agnew, M. L., & Kaminski, J. E. (2007). Pesticide Application Research Demonstrated at a Field Day Event. The Journal of Extension, 45(1), Article 23. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol45/iss1/23