The Lost Rivers Grazing Academy (LRGA) was developed to improve the sustainability of livestock grazing operations. A mixture of classroom and hands-on instruction provides participants with training in Management-intensive Grazing, a goal-driven, flexible method of managing grazing for improved sustainability. Increased efficiency has also helped these producers to reduce winter feed costs, leading to greater economic stability. The LRGA uses a variety of teaching techniques to facilitate learning. These techniques include traditional classroom instruction, experiential learning, games, and simulations.
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Recommended Citation
Jensen, S., Cheyney, C., Hawkins, J., Gray, C. W., Shewmaker, G., Williams, S., & Gerrish, J. R. (2009). Lost Rivers Grazing Academy: Building Sustainability in Livestock Production. The Journal of Extension, 47(1), Article 12. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol47/iss1/12