A collaborative team has developed a system to measure the social outcomes of nonpoint source water projects as indicators of progress towards environmental goals. The system involves a set of core indicators, additional supplemental indicators, and a process for collecting and using the indicators. This process is supported by methodologies and instruments for data collection, analysis, and reporting that are coordinated and supported through detailed written guidance and an on-line data management tool. Its multi-state scope and application offer a unique opportunity to target, measure, and report interim resource management accomplishments consistently at multiple levels.
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Prokopy, L. S., Genskow, K., Asher, J., Baumgart-Getz, A., Bonnell, J. E., Allred, S. B., Curtis, C., Floress, K., McDermaid, K., Power, R., & Wood, D. (2009). Designing a Regional System of Social Indicators to Evaluate Nonpoint Source Water Projects. The Journal of Extension, 47(2), Article 1. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol47/iss2/1