Evaluation of Extension programs is critical for accountability and improved program effectiveness. However, measuring outcomes remains a challenge for many types of programs, especially those that aim to improve the quality of life of participants. The study reported here examined changes in quality of life indicators as part of a measure of farm viability. Farmers participated in agritourism trainings in the Northeast, and impacts of the trainings were evaluated through an Internet survey 1 year later. The index developed to measure quality of life for the agritourism program may be adapted for evaluation of a wide variety of Extension programs.
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Recommended Citation
Chase, L., Kuhen, D., & Amsden, D. (2013). Measuring Quality of Life: A Case Study of Agritourism in the Northeast. The Journal of Extension, 51(1), Article 22. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.51.01.22