This article introduces an intergenerational strategy for organizations planning centennial celebratory events. The methods and findings from the 4-H through the Generations session conducted at the joint 4-H Leadership Conference and 4-H Leaders Forum to celebrate the Pennsylvania 4-H Centennial are reported. Youth and adult participants shared their views, experiences, and hopes for 4-H via panel presentations and small group discussions. An analysis of themes introduced by the panelists and conference participants suggested that this approach can be effective in raising awareness of past accomplishments and current challenges and in stimulating conversation about future directions for the 4-H organization.
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Recommended Citation
Kaplan, M. S., Weikert, B., Scholl, J., & Rushton, M. (2013). Intergenerational Panels at Centennial Events: Stimulating Discussion About Continuity and Change in the 4-H Program. The Journal of Extension, 51(1), Article 25. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.51.01.25