Economic impacts are often determined by input-output analysis using IMPLAN software. IMPLAN can provide valuable information to producer groups and community leaders, and Extension is well positioned to offer this service through applied research programs. Sawmilling and wood preservation (SWP) is a key sector in Ohio's forest economy, and its impacts were modeled for 2009. The SWP directly employed 1,700 citizens and produced $364 million in industrial output. Total impacts amounted to 4,500 workers being employed because of SWP activities, with industrial output totaling $724 million. This information has raised awareness of SWP's importance in communities and assisted with policymaking decisions.
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Recommended Citation
McConnell, T. (2013). Using Impact Analysis to Document a Forest Products Sector's Contributions to Ohio's Economy. The Journal of Extension, 51(2), Article 35. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.51.02.35