Program evaluation is an important part of Extension, especially with the increased emphasis on metrics and accountability. Agents are often the point persons for evaluation data collection, and Web-based surveys are a commonly used tool. The iPad tablet with Internet access has the potential to be an effective survey tool. iPads were field tested at a grazing conference to assess their efficacy as a data collection tool. Participants with prior iPad experience found them easy to use, while some novice users had difficulty completing the survey. The high mobility of the iPads was a distinct advantage over laptops.
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Recommended Citation
Rowntree, J., Wittman, R., Lindquist, G., & Raven, M. (2013). Using iPads as a Data Collection Tool in Extension Programming Evaluation. The Journal of Extension, 51(4), Article 8. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.51.04.08