As traditional face-to-face Extension office interactions are supplanted by online education options, the makerspace offers a venue for authentic engagement between Extension and the community. In makerspaces, learners make and learn from one another in a cooperative learning environment. Through involvement in the maker movement, Extension has an opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge of land-grant educators and Extension volunteers in a new and meaningful way. Creating and supporting makerspaces will increase Extension's visibility and allow for the delivery of content to a new audience. Such efforts will assist Extension in staying relevant in the 21st century.
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Recommended Citation
Francis, D., Hill, P., Graham, D., Swadley, E., & Esplin, K. (2017). Building and Managing Makerspaces in Extension. The Journal of Extension, 55(3), Article 17. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.55.03.17