University faculty and Extension educators sought to use school gardens in Burundi, Africa, as a means of reducing food insecurity, teaching positive youth development, and increasing experiential learning for Burundian students. Washington State University personnel used videoconferencing to provide training to Burundian nongovernmental organization (NGO) staff on the Cultivating Learning with School Gardens curriculum. The NGO staff then trained teachers in pilot programs at four Burundian schools, where first harvests occurred in May 2016. An agricultural consultant also helped with the gardens. Suggestions for implementation of this school garden curriculum in other countries are provided.
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Recommended Citation
Smith, S. R., Wright, K., Hrncirik, L., & Deen, M. Y. (2017). Using the Cultivating Learning with School Gardens Curriculum in Burundi, Africa. The Journal of Extension, 55(4), Article 4. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.55.04.04