Previously, we described CHAPS20Y, a historical data set, and trends in CHAPS20Y calving distributions. In this article, we describe reproductive rates, including total females exposed to bull(s), pregnancy, pregnancy loss, calving, calf death loss, weaning, culling, and replacement percentages. Yearly mean exposed females increased from 1994 through 2013, consistent with a greater replacement percentage versus culling percentage. Yearly mean reproductive percentages varied over time. Factors such as weather, body condition, temperament, nutrition, and health likely contributed to this variation. CHAPS20Y is a tool Extension professionals can use to understand beef reproductive rates and help producers set and achieve their herd management goals.
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Recommended Citation
Ramsay, J. M., Hulsman Hanna, L. L., & Ringwall, K. A. (2017). Maximizing Use of an Extension Beef Cattle Data Set: Part 2—Reproductive Rates. The Journal of Extension, 55(4), Article 7. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.55.04.07