Online survey systems have improved evaluation costs and efficiencies but tend to result in lower response rates. We developed an incremental approach for online evaluation of multiday events. The incremental approach splits a complete evaluation into smaller sections and provides respondents access to both current and past sections. We selected two annual events (one national and one state-level) at which to evaluate the approach. Overall, evaluation response rates with the incremental approach averaged 45.9%, nearly double the 25.3% response rate that is typical with traditional online evaluations. Use of this incremental approach for online evaluation resulted in improved assessment of the respective events, suggesting its usefulness for future event evaluations.
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Recommended Citation
Goodling, R., McGee, W., & Jones, C. (2017). An Incremental Approach to Improving Evaluation Response Rates for Multiday Events. The Journal of Extension, 55(4), Article 9. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.55.04.09