In an attempt to increase attendance and interest in Extension meetings, the Nebraska Extension Service tried an "in-depth" workshop or short course in the early 60's. Previous Extension efforts focused on presenting specific recommendations. This workshop emphasized the "why" (background information or underlying principles), in addition to presenting specific recommendations. Response was so favorable, the program was expanded. The authors discuss the evaluation of these in-depth workshops, with emphasis on (1) what kind of farmer attends, (2) how well this method satisfies the farmer's need, and (3) what guidelines the workshop study gives to Extension workers.
Recommended Citation
Lutz, A. E., Frerichs, D. E., & Lewis, S. S. (1968). In-Depth Teaching in Extension. The Journal of Extension, 6(2), Article 13. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol6/iss2/13