4-H Summer of STEM is a workforce readiness program for high school youth. The goals of the program are to increase students’ interest in STEM careers, improve college and workforce readiness, and connect youth to businesses and industries in the local community. Selected youth receive hands-on development of workforce readiness skills, are paired with a STEM mentor for job shadowing, and participate in college campus visits. Preliminary findings show that participants reported having a positive relationship between participation in 4-H youth development programs and career skills. This article introduces the 4-H Summer of STEM and offers suggestions for implementation.
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Recommended Citation
Mitchell-Hawkins, V., & Mellon, J. (2022). 4-H Summer of STEM: A Practical Approach to Increasing Workforce Readiness. The Journal of Extension, 60(4), Article 5. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.60.04.05