





One of the two key groups in desperate need of service from Extension’s quality of life program is the young married, according to Report of the Joint USDA/NASULGC Extension Study Committee. However, the report does not elaborate in any specific respects what programming should be undertaken, how such efforts should be staffed, or what resources should be allocated reallocated to serve this group as the Committee envisioned it should be. The Committee does not acknowledge the complaints of critics directed at present home economics programming in respect to undue emphasis being placed on middle-income, senior and middle-aged women to the exclusion of young homemakers. If Extension’s quality of living efforts are to increasingly focus on young marrieds it will be necessary to understand more clearly, among other things, where they live, what they are like, and what their problems and concerns are in order to establish some base for designing and executing relevant educational programming. This article provides some beginning clues for such an understanding. Even though the population studies was restricted geographically, implications from the findings may not be as restricted.



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