A need to make land-use controls work and become development policy that serve as guidelines for zoning ordinances prompted Delaware Extension Service to launch an all-out effort to reach a goal of better planned communities. Vaughn presents the USDA- University of Delaware project to demonstrate the process used and shares the recommendations of their Extension advisory committees. He discusses how various segments of the population in Delaware's counties were approached to enable the goal of community improvement to be reached. He also cites the positive results of 15 years of hard work, while at the same time indicating "land-use planning unfortunately has done little for meaningfully improving the lives of people in hard-core poverty-- despite claims to the contrary." Do you agree with him?
Recommended Citation
Vaughn, G. F. (1971). Extension’s Part in Better Communities: A Case Study. The Journal of Extension, 9(4), Article 45. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol9/iss4/45