Measuring Physical Activity in Youth Settings:
Considerations for Instrument Selection
Benjamin Hickerson
Horses – A Natural Fit for Camp Programs
Robin Galloway, Chris Names, and Melanie Mintken
Reading Makes Cents
Resource Review
Lacie Ashby, Kathy Gordon, and Shante Stokes
Implementing and Evaluating the
Communities That Care
Prevention System in Rural Pennsylvania
Jonathan Olson
Tooele County 4-H Youth Garden:
An Interactive Approach
Stephen Sagers, Linden Greenhalgh, Darlene Christensen, and Terra Sherwood
Promoting Civic Engagement, Critical Thinking and
the Science of Photography through Photovoice
Julie Tritz
Implementing a Work-Based Learning Approach
to 4-H Camp Counseling
Theresa Ferrari and Nate Arnett
4-H Membership Recruitment/Retention Problems:
A Meta-Analysis of Possible Causes and Solutions
Lynndell Newby and Jeff Sallee