Theses from 2024
Determining the Individual- and Team-Level Effects of Team Tenure and Team Stability, float teams, Jordan Britt
Silence in STEM? The Impact of Experienced Social Identity Threats on Women, Madison Brumbaugh
Improving Pedestrian Conspicuity at Night: Testing the Efficacy of a Video-Based Educational Intervention, Morgan McCree
Theses from 2022
Investigating Attention Modeling Differences between Older and Younger Drivers, Kathryn Baringer
Oh, the Place You’ll Go: The Effects of Commuting Time on Work, Family, and Health Related Outcomes, Lauren Kistler
Serious Leisure, Job Task Load, & Satisfaction, Carson Matsick
Investigating the Efficacy of Mental Health App Features on Depressive Symptoms and Adherence: The Airheart Pilot Study, Stephanie G. Six
Theses from 2021
Conspicuity of Walkway Height Changes, Rachel Staats
Theses from 2020
Identifying Thematic Patterns of Autonomy Shifts and Team Boundary Work for Long Duration Spaceflight Multiteam Missions, Lizandra Alvarado
Improving Hazard Perception and Tracking Through Part-Task Training, Nathan Dumessa
Teamwork Training for Engineering Students, Jonathan Powers
Investigating Individual Differences in Action-Based Decision-Making, Aminah Roberts
The Effects of Increasing Degree of Unreliable Automation on Older Adults’ Performance, Claire Textor
Religious Openness to Secularism (ROSE): Effect of Cognitive Style on Defensiveness and Religiosity, Randle Aaron Molina Villanueva
Towards a Better Understanding of Job Crafting in the Job Demands-Resources Model: A Three-Wave Study, Gwendolyn Paige Watson
Gender Disparity within the Ivory Tower: Do Perceived Organizational Support and Procedural Justice Predict Self-Discrepant Time Allocation?, Phoebe Xoxakos
Theses from 2019
Adaptation to Varying Latency in a Head-Mounted Display, Sarah Christine Beadle
Implicit Stereotypes: An Explanation for the Lack of Female Leadership in the STEM Fields?, Katherine N. Brown
Development and Validation of a Situational Judgment Test of Critical Social Thinking in the Workplace, Michelle Leigh Flynn
The Importance of Contextualized, Facet-Level Personality Measures, Joseph Ligato
Trust Strategies in Voiced-Agent Multiple-Component Home Automation, Jeremy Adam Lopez
The Mixed Motives of Identity Disclosure: Concealable Identity Disclosure in the Workplace, Brandon Reid McIntyre
Online Disinhibition and Its Influence on Cyber Incivility, Alexander Francis Moore
Reevaluating Calibration Transfer of Perturbed Optic Flow to Real-World and Virtual Environments, Hannah Solini
The Effect of Distracted Driving on the Conspicuity of Pedestrians at Night, Ellen Campbell Szubski
The Relative Value of Pathways Towards A Life Well-Lived, Natalie Vanelli
Theses from 2018
Effects of Performance Pressure on Response Inhibition Performance, Daniel N. Endres
Are Values Valuable? Individual Difference Moderators on the Effects of Economic Stress on Job Satisfaction, Elyssa Johnson
Aperture passability judgments in novice walker users: The impact of action scaling above and beyond body scaling, Katie Lucaites
An Evaluation of Bite Counting as a Form of Visible Feedback, Jacqueline Elizabeth McSorley
Job Insecurity Across Borders: An Examination of Job Insecurity, Perceived Organizational Support, and Turnover Intentions in the United States and China, John Alexander Morgan
Exploring the Efficacy of Social Trust Repair in Human-Automation Interactions, Daniel Braden Quinn
Living to Work: The Effects of Occupational Calling on Mental Health at Work, Chloe A. Wilson
Theses from 2015
The cold driver: Driving performance under thermal stress, Drew Morris
Theses from 2010