How Adults Can Learn More-Faster. Virginia B. Warren. 1961. 52 pp. Available from the National Association of Public School Adult Educators, 1201 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington 6, D.C. 50 cents. A Study of Two Methods for the Diffusion of Knowledge. John M. Welch and Coolie Verner. Adult Education, XII (Summer, 1962), 231-237. Available from the Adult Education Association of the United States of America, 743 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago 11, Ill. Single copy $1.25. 4-H Impact. Burton W. Kreitlow and Robert F. Barnes. Special Bulletin 8, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Wisconsin, July, 1962, 4 pp. Available from Agricultural Bulletin Office, University of Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wisconsin. No charge. Review of Extension Research: January through December 1961. Darcie Byrn. Extension Service Circular 541 (September, 1962), Federal Extension Service. 95 pp. Review copies available from state leaders in agriculture, home economics, and 4-H, key specialists, Extension editors, leaders of Extension studies and training and agricultural college and experiment station libraries. Education in a World of Change. Ralph W. Tyler. Journal of Home Economics, LIV (September, 1962), 527-533. Available from American Home Economics Association, 1600 20th Street, N.W., Washing 9, D.C. Single copy 60 cents. The Leader Looks at Self-Development. Malcolm S. Knowles. 1961. 12 pp. Available from Leadership Resources, Inc., 1025 Connecticut Ave., Washington 6, D.C. $1.50. You Can Cure Overlapping Management. Charles A. Cerami. Nation's Business, L (October, 1962), 86-90. Available in reprint form from Nation's Business, 1615 H St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. 15 cents per copy. The Leader Looks at Communication. Leslie E. This. 1961. 12 pp. Available from Leadership Resources, Inc., 1025 Connecticut Ave., Washington 6, D.C. $1.50. Leadership and Participation in a Changing Rural Community. John Harding, Edward C. Devereux, Jr., and Urie Bronfenbrenner (issue eds.). The Journal of Social Issues, XVI (No. 4, 1960), 86 pp. Available from the Journal of Social Issues, Acme Printing and Reproductions, 611 South Maple Rd., Ann Arbor, Michigan. Single copy $1.50. Perception: Some Recent Research and Implications for Administration. Sheldon S. Zalkind and Timothy W. Costello. Administrative Science Quarterly, VII (September, 1962), 218-235. Available from Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Single copy $2.00. How to Help Groups Make Decisions. Edited by Grace L. Elliott. 1959. 64 pp. Available from Association Press, 291 Broadway, New York 7, New York. $1.00.
Recommended Citation
of Extension, J. (1963). Abstracts. The Journal of Extension, 1(1), Article 14. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol1/iss1/14